I got burned from laser hair removal in Burlington
I got badly burned during my second laser hair treatment. My spot test and first treatment went fine and the results were great.
I thought my second treatment went well until 3 days later when I awoke to find dark spots (no pain or burning).
I called the Esthetician that did the treatment and went in so she could see the damage. She assured me this was common in darker skinned women, and was simply superficial burns that would not scar.
I was told to use polysporin and vitamin E. I ended up have to go to a dermatologist who told me otherwise. Some of the burns were second degree!
I was told a salon grade laser should have never have been used on my skin type (skin type 5) and was given a prescription to help prevent scarring.
Its been about 2 weeks and its healing well. I think I will only have very minor scarring, but only time will tell.
My advise (especially for anyone darker skinned) is to go to a clinic run by a dermatologist. They tend to have better equipment (equipment that can only be purchased by doctors) and if something goes wrong, help is readily available.
I did some price comparisons, the dermatologist charged almost the same amount as the Esthetician!
I paid over $300 to get burned. Don't make the same mistake as I did.